Accoord is a public education association that was founded in 1985, with the support of the City of Nantes and the CAF (a French state welfare agency). The association works with residents to develop educational, social and cultural activities in Nantes.
A great territorial network
Accoord runs more than 40 leisure centres, 17 youth clubs, 22 socio-cultural centres and an open-air leisure space at Port-Barbe. Throughout the year, the teams welcome residents of all ages and work together to develop fun programmes tailored to each age group.
Accoord also offers a range of trips, helps 16-25-year-olds with their projects and makes some of its facilities available for sports and music. The association coordinates solidarity initiatives to promote French language learning, support parenthood, develop digital access and combat isolation among families and senior citizens.
Every year, 12,000 Nantes families attend Accoord centres. To carry out these activities, Accoord relies on a network of 1,500 volunteers, working alongside professional teams to bring solidarity, leisure and culture to life in Nantes.

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Activities for all ages
Socio-cultural and community centres
These are places where people can come and enjoy activities for everyone, from young children to senior citizens. They offer a wide range of leisure activities. Festive events and cultural outings are organised on a regular basis.
Socio-cultural centres are also places for social interaction and solidarity. Many of the activities are run by volunteers, accompanied by association employees. Accoord centres work hand in hand with community associations.

Children’s leisure centres
Accoord offers places at leisure centres on Wednesdays and during the school holidays. Prices vary according to family income.
The activities encourage children to live together and are adapted to each age group: sport, art, activities, learning about science, cooking, etc.
Each child is encouraged to put forward their own ideas, to take part in the life of the centre and is supported by our teams to help them become more independent.

Youth clubs (11-15 years old)
The youth clubs are places where teenagers can meet and exchange ideas, go on outings or take part in sports or artistic workshops. Some activities are planned in advance, while others are devised with the teenagers in mind.
The aim is to get teenagers involved in their leisure activities by showing them that they can work together to create a programme of activities that suits them.
The activity teams also work in secondary schools during lunchtimes.

Every summer, 2,000 children and teenagers go on trips with Accoord. The trips are tailored to each age group, from toddlers to teenagers.
Going on a trip means getting away from it all, discovering new activities and meeting new people. For the youngest children, the holidays help them to become more independent.
For teenagers, Accoord offers international trips to encourage intercultural exchanges. And for families, the association offers trips in the region at preferential rates on partner sites.

Working with all stakeholders
The City of Nantes, the CAF, the CCAS, the Government, Erasmus + and the Departmental Council are the main financial partners and have entrusted Accoord, by delegation or agreement, with the deployment of public policies.
Our association also works with many other partners to carry out its missions: public education federations, cultural institutions, social landlords and national education partners.
Every year, Accoord works with more than 500 associations in the Nantes area. The fields of the associations we work with are many and varied, reflecting the missions of Accoord, such as digital, professional integration, food, artistic practices, media education, etc.
The fight against all forms of discrimination is a key part of our association’s mission and is reflected on a daily basis in the actions carried out by Accoord in the field.To this end, an ambitious disability action plan has been put in place.
Our objectives?
- to improve facilities for people with disabilities in all our centres (children, teenagers and adults),
- to promote training for our staff and volunteers
- to facilitate access to employment.

Key figures
12,000 families visit Accoord centres every year
40,000 people attend 800 cultural events in Accoord centres
1,500 volunteers working alongside 850 Accoord employees
500 partner associations